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Welcome to Student Support Services!

Student Support Services works with over 100 students with specific learning challenges. Central Catholic believes that students learn best when provided appropriate opportunities to be successful in the general education classroom. Students in Student Support Services are enrolled in a range of college-preparatory courses, including general education courses, honors and AP courses. All students with proper documentation are built an Academic Accommodation Plan, AAP, that offers limited academic accommodations.

Student Support Coordinators

Jonathan Ellis
Grade Levels: 10th and 12th
Email: jellis@centralcatholichigh.org

Wesley Guy  
Grade Levels: 9th and 11th
Email: wguy@centralcatholichigh.org

Families must provide Student Support Services with documentation from either a healthcare professional, psychological evaluation report, and/or Individualized Education Program, IEP (if they attended a public school). Valid documentation must be within three years of entering Student Support Services.


Student Support Services provides three different plans which are determined by the student’s diagnosis. Students who are eligible are offered only accommodations in the general education classroom. Similar to the collegiate-level, students with accommodations are expected to self-advocate for their accommodations. Student Support Services acknowledges previous academic learning plans (Private School Learning Plan, 504 Plan, or IEP), but cannot guarantee that all accommodations and supports are transferable to Central Catholic’s accommodation plans.

Parent/guardian and student signatures are required prior to building an accommodation plan.

Testing Accommodation Submissions Form

Find each type of plan below:

Academic Accommodation Plan, AAP
View Plan Document

Medical Accommodation Plan, MAP
View Plan Document

Academic Accommodation Plan and Medical Accommodation Plan, AAP/MAP
View Plan Document

If your student is diagnosed with a learning difference or medical concern, please fill out the Google Form below to apply for accommodation(s).

Fill Out Form

Time and a half on exams
Exams read orally
Exams in a distraction free environment
Teacher approved notecard
Digitally record answers
Speech to text on written exams
Breaks as Needed

Speech to text on written assignments
Learning Ally
Recorded lectures
Teacher provided notes
Graphic organizer
Peer notes

Central Catholic High School offers both math and language arts lab classes for incoming freshmen. Student enrollment is dependent on their NWEA test scores which may indicate that they might need extra support in these particular subject areas. Student Support Services works with guidance counselors and administrators in determining lab class placement.

Students with significant academic challenges might be eligible for the Student Support Services Study Skills course. This course is a 1:6 ratio and is a three semester course. 


All testing accommodations for the PSAT, SAT and AP Exams are managed by the College Board. Student Support Services does not determine who does and does not qualify for these tests. The College Board vets eligibility based on accommodation data sent by Student Support Services. The ACT is not affiliated with the College Board and is a separate entity. Student Support Services is only responsible for submitting accommodation data of the student to the ACT who determines who qualifies for accommodations.

Students eligible for testing accommodations can easily access the testing center by having their teacher submit their information to the Testing Accommodation Portal at least 1-2 days before the test day. Once this information is received, the department will notify the student and teacher of the scheduled testing date, time, and location for the accommodated test. The student will then have the option to either opt-in or out of the scheduled exam. If the student opts in, a designated proctor will administer the accommodated test to all attending students quickly and efficiently.
Testing Accommodation Submissions Form

Central Catholic High School’s accommodation plans do not transfer to the university level. However, most universities require updated documentation within three years of enrolling at the university. Although Central Catholic High School’s accommodation plans do not transfer, universities often provide similar accommodations for students with learning differences and use your student’s previous plan as a guide. Please reference your student’s preferred university on what accommodations are available to students. Below are links to university resource and academic centers commonly attended by Central Catholic High School graduates.


University of Oregon

Oregon State University

University of Portland 

If you have further questions please email StudentSupportServices@CentralCatholicHigh.org for assistance.